Annunci di nuove pubblicazioni della Thoemmes Press


Un editore attento al recupero delle opere storiche dei maggiori evoluzionisti dei secoli scorsi provenienti prevalentemente dal mondo anglosassone. Segnalo le seguenti prossime pubblicazioni: Design After Darwin, 1860–1900 Edited and introduced by Richard England, Salisbury University, Maryland, 4 Volumi dalla homepage del sito web riporto: ……………The first volume examines the early disagreement between Charles Darwin and America’s leading botanist, Asa Gray; it also includes key essays from the 1860s by T.H. Huxley and Alfred Russel Wallace. Volume Two samples the spectrum of opinion on design from high churchmen to positivists; many of these authors were working zoologists and botanists as well as clergymen. George St Clair’s very scarce and important book Darwinism and Design (1873), and two contemporary reviews, form the third volume of the set. The final volume focuses on Darwin’s disciple, George Romanes, and his interactions with Asa Gray and the Oxford clergyman Aubrey Moore…………… The Collected Writings of Erasmus Darwin Introduced by Martin Priestman, Roehampton University of Surrey, 9 Volumi dalla homepage del sito web riporto:I ndice Volumes 1 & 2. The Botanic Garden. A Poem in Two Parts (1791); vol. 1: new introduction by Martin Priestman; The Economy of Vegetation (366pp); vol. 2: The Loves of the Plants (230pp) Volume 3 (128pp). A Plan for the Conduct of Female Education in Boarding Schools (1797)Volume 4 (632pp). Phytologia: or The Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening (1800) Volumes 5, 6, 7 & 8. Zoonomia; or The Laws of Organic Life (3rd edition, corrected, 1801)Volume 9 (304pp). The Temple of Nature, or The Origin of Society (1803) Writings on Evolution, 1843-1912 Alfred Russel Wallace Edited and introduced by Charles Smith, Western Kentucky University, 3 Volumi dalla homepage del sito web rirporto: ……………This new three-volume set comprises the first ever collection of Wallace’s writings on evolution. Volume One gathers more than sixty of his articles, essays and reviews from numerous Victorian periodicals, reset in new typography. Volumes Two and Three contain facsimile reprints of his two books, Darwinism (1889) and Natural Selection and Tropical Nature (1891. As the revival of interest in Wallace continues to grow, this much-needed collection – prefixed by Charles H. Smith’s authoritative introduction – will be widely welcomed. The Origin of Life Debate: Molecules, Cells and Generation Edited by James Strick, Franklin and Marshall College, 6 Volumi dalla homepage del sito web riporto: Rare, previously uncollected works by prominent figures, such as Buffon, Priestley, Brewster, Müller, Huxley, Virchow, Owen, Bennett, Darwin, Wallace, Spencer and Maxwell, examine key aspects of the spontaneous generation debate in the history of nineteenth-century biology