Conferenza della European Society for Evolutionary Biology


Partecipano piu’ di 1200 ricercatori da tutto il mondo (purtroppo gli italiani scarseggiano drammaticamente).Vi segnalo il sito: ,The 11th Congress of The European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala, Sweden, August 20-25, 2007. Dal sito riporto:The structure of the congress is similar to previous meetings, each day starting with a plenary keynote lecture, followed by parallel symposia. We have accepted […]

Partecipano piu’ di 1200 ricercatori da tutto il mondo (purtroppo gli italiani scarseggiano drammaticamente).
Vi segnalo il sito: ,The 11th Congress of The European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala, Sweden, August 20-25, 2007.
Dal sito riporto:
The structure of the congress is similar to previous meetings, each day starting with a plenary keynote lecture, followed by parallel symposia. We have accepted 30 symposia. Other events are the traditional John Maynard Smith lecture and the presidential address by the new President of ESEB, Professor Isabelle Olivieri, University of Montpellier. In addition, one of the founders of the society, Prof. Steve Stearns, Yale University, will give a special lecture.
The congress cover the field of evolutionary biology in a wide sense, but with emphasis on processes and mechanisms of evolutionary phenomena.


Paolo Innocenti