Nature Geoscience

Nature Publishing Group is delighted to announce that in January 2008 we will be launching Nature Geoscience, a monthly multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together top-quality research across the entire spectrum of the Earth Sciences along with relevant work in related areas. The journal’s content will reflect all the disciplines within the geosciences, including studies of the atmosphere, the oceans, […]

Nature Publishing Group is delighted to announce that in January 2008 we will be launching Nature Geoscience, a monthly multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together top-quality research across the entire spectrum of the Earth Sciences along with relevant work in related areas.

The journal’s content will reflect all the disciplines within the geosciences, including studies of the atmosphere, the oceans, glaciers and ice sheets and the deep Earth. Nature Geoscience will cover studies based on all the methods used by geoscientists, ranging from field work and numerical modelling on regional and global scales to theoretical studies. Physical, chemical and biological investigations that contribute to our understanding of the Earth system will all be represented.

The Editorial team is now accepting manuscripts from all researchers who are active at the frontiers of this diverse and multidisciplinary field. Articles for
Nature Geoscience will be selected and edited to have the maximum appeal to the global geosciences community. The complete
Guide for Authors can now be viewed online and printed from the journal website.

General editorial inquiries and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at

Presubmission enquiries should be sent via our online submission system
designating them as presubmission enquiries as requested on the form.

Submissions: manuscripts should be submitted through our online submission system at: Using this system, authors can upload manuscript files (text, figures and supplementary information, including video) directly to our office and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process.

Chiara Ceci