Recruitment of counsellors for space camp


La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 20 febbraio, mentre lo Space Camp si terrà tra il 16 e il 30 luglio 2011.Dovecearia, a company that organize children and teenagers camp in Tuscany, (, is in the process of recruiting an international team of counsellors for the European Space Agency space camp 2011.Specifically, Dovecearia is looking for at […]

La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 20 febbraio, mentre lo Space Camp si terrà tra il 16 e il 30 luglio 2011.

Dovecearia, a company that organize children and teenagers camp in Tuscany, (, is in the process of recruiting an international team of counsellors for the European Space Agency space camp 2011.

Specifically, Dovecearia is looking for at least counsellors with an experience in science education, communication and sustainable tourism.

More information about the post could be found in the attached document.

Deadline for applications is February the 20th.

Kind regards

Valeria Sala
Dovecearia, Cgfs, Prato, Italy.

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