The Skeptic


Il nuovo numero di Skeptic (volume 13 numero 2) si presenta con in copertina una caricatura di Richard Dawkins. Questa edizione della rivista si focalizza e approfondisce la visione della religione del biologo inglese con diversi articoli e recensioni in merito. Cover Story Richard Dawkins Dawkins v. Collins Debate: A skeptical analysis of the Time magazine debate between Richard Dawkins and […]

Il nuovo numero di Skeptic (volume 13 numero 2) si presenta con in copertina una caricatura di Richard Dawkins. Questa edizione della rivista si focalizza e approfondisce la visione della religione del biologo inglese con diversi articoli e recensioni in merito.


Cover Story Richard Dawkins

Dawkins v. Collins Debate: A skeptical analysis of the Time magazine debate between Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins

The Skeptic’s Chaplain: Richard Dawkins as a Fountainhead of Skepticism

Two reviews of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion:

What a Friend We Have in Dawkins Plus a sidebar: Two Paths to Skepticism by Norman Levitt

The Science Delusion by Deepak Chopra

An Elemental Impulse Religion is so Powerful that Even Soviet Antireligious Policy Failed by Paul Gabel

Who Designed That? Creationism’s Doubts About Intelligent Design by Tom McIver


Inoltre vi troviamo altri interessanti articoli sulla psicologia evoluzionistica e molto altro ancora…  


The Science of Friendship. Where Evolutionary Psychology Fails


Junior Skeptic: Evolution Part 2 — Frequently Asked Questions written by Daniel Loxton; illustrations by Daniel Loxton and Jim Smith Is Nature too perfect to have evolved? How do we know that evolution happened? If apes evolved into humans, why are there still apes? Where are the missing links? How do new species come about? Has anyone ever seen something evolve? Are there human footprints with dinosaur footprints? Are dinosaurs still alive in Africa? Do we know how life started? How could something as complicated as eyes evolve? What about religion?



Mammoth in the Garden: Why Harmonizing Science and Religion is a Strong Human Need The Creationist Debate: The Encounter Between the Bible & the Historical Mind

Creatures of Accident: The Rise of the Animal Kingdom by Wallace Arthur The Language of God: a Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief

Measuring the Deity reviewed

The Measure of God. Our Century-Long Struggle to Reconcile Science and Religion. The Story of the Gifford Lectures.

Before Darwin. Reconciling God and Nature

God’s Mind & Alice’s Restaurant

Dover, Pennsylvania: The Battle for Our Children reviewed

Monkey Girl

God: The Failed Hypothesis — How Science Shows that God Does Not Exist


Chiara Ceci