Ancestors in Our Genome


Lo studio dell’evoluzione umana attraverso i genomi delle specie più imparentate con l’uomo: interessante libro del genetista Eugene E. Harris in uscita nel prossimo mese

Ancestors in Our Genome. The New Science of Human Evolution
Eugene E. Harris
248 pages | 45 b/w | 235x156mm
978-0-19-997803-8 | Hardback | January 2015 (estimated)
Scheda del libro

– Traces the history of human evolution back to its earliest known point.
– Written from the perspective of population genomics.
– Contains the most up-to-date research in human genomics.

In 2001, scientists were finally able to determine the full human genome sequence, and with the discovery began a genomic voyage back in time. Since then, we have sequenced the full genomes of many of mankind’s primitive relatives at a remarkable rate. The genome of the common chimpanzee (2005), macaque (2007) and orangutan (2011) have already been identified, and the identification of other primate genomes is underway, including the bonobo, gorilla, and baboon. Researchers are beginning to unravel our full genetic history, comparing it with closely related species to answer age old questions about how and when we evolved. For the first time, we are finding our own ancestors in our genome and are thereby gleaning new information about our evolutionary past. In Ancestors in Our Genome, geneticist Eugene Harris presents us with the complete and up-to-date account of the evolution of the human genome. Written from the perspective of population genetics, the book traces human origins back to their earliest source among our earliest human ancestors, and explains some of the challenging questions that scientists are currently attempting to answer. For example, what does the high level of discordance among the gene trees of humans and the African great apes tell us about our respective separations from our common ancestor? Was this process fast or slow, and when and why did it occur? How can we explain the fact that evolutionary relationships among copies of specific genes from individual primate species can differ from the evolutionary relationships of the species themselves? Harris draws upon extensive experience researching primate evolution in order to deliver a lively and thorough history of human evolution. Ancestors in Our Genome is the most complete discussion of our current understanding of the human genome available.

Readership: General readers interested in the history of human evolution, anyone with a background in evolutionary biology.