Antropologia e Antropologia Darwiniana

Cos’e’ oggi l’Antropologia in rapporto all’antropologia Darwiniana. La rivista Social Anthropology, vol. 12, n. 2, 2004 dedica alcuni articoli al tema: Introduction. Anthropology after Darwin TIM INGOLD What, if anything, is a Darwinian anthropology? JONATHAN MARKS Beyond biology and culture. The meaning of evolution in a relational world TIM INGOLD

Cos’e’ oggi l’Antropologia in rapporto all’antropologia Darwiniana. La rivista Social Anthropology, vol. 12, n. 2, 2004 dedica alcuni articoli al tema: Introduction. Anthropology after Darwin TIM INGOLD What, if anything, is a Darwinian anthropology? JONATHAN MARKS Beyond biology and culture. The meaning of evolution in a relational world TIM INGOLD