Conferenza internazionale “Evolutionary Patterns”

Dal 27 al 29 maggio a Lisbona una conferenza interdisciplinare sulle modalità per concettualizzare, modellizzare e quantificare l’evoluzione biologica e socioculturale. Il sottotitolo: “Horizontal and Vertical Transmission and Micro- and Macroevolutionary Patterns of Biological and Sociocultural Evolution”.
Date importanti:
Submissions: February 1st, 2013
Notification of Acceptance: March 1st, 2013
Registration Deadline for all Presenters: April 1st, 2013
Registration Deadline Audience: May 1st, 2013
Conference Dates: May 27th-29th, 2013, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
PLENARY SPEAKERS: Michael Benton, Tal Dagan, John Jungck, Carl Knappett, Daniel McShea, Alex Mesoudi, Mark Pagel, Tyler Volk, Richard Watson
INVITED SPEAKERS: Quentin Atkinson, Alberto Bisin & Thierry Verdier, Andreas Bohn, Michael Bradie, Jorge Carneiro, Claudine Chaouiya, Mark Collard, Alex de Voogt, Frank Kressing & Matthis Krischel, André Levy, Margarida Matos, Telmo Pievani, Luis Mateus Rocha, Élio Sucena, More tba
We call for bio-informaticians, evolutionary biologists, microbiologists, paleontologists, geologists, physicists, mathematicians, anthropologists, archeologists, linguists, sociologists, economists, and philosophers and historians of science to provide talks on the following topics:
1. Conceptualization, quantification and modeling of horizontal and vertical transmission in biological and sociocultural sciences
2. Conceptualization, quantification and modeling of micro- and macroevolution in biological and sociocultural sciences
3. Hierarchy theory and the units, levels and mechanisms of evolution
4. How the universal application of evolutionary theories enables new possibilities for inter- and transdisciplinary research and the unification of the sciences
We encourage submissions of (1) concrete models and simulations, (2) theoretical, reflexive talks, and (3) historical accounts on any of the above mentioned topics.
We call for mini-symposia (3 or 6 talks), poster sessions (3 or 6 posters),
as well as individual regular and poster talks.
Professors: 300 euro | PhD and post-docs: 250 euro | Audience: 100 euro | Students: 50 euro
The Conference is organized by the Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab of the Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, in collaboration with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and with the support of the John Templeton Foundation.
Submissions: February 1st, 2013
Notification of Acceptance: March 1st, 2013
Registration Deadline for all Presenters: April 1st, 2013
Registration Deadline Audience: May 1st, 2013
Conference Dates: May 27th-29th, 2013, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
PLENARY SPEAKERS: Michael Benton, Tal Dagan, John Jungck, Carl Knappett, Daniel McShea, Alex Mesoudi, Mark Pagel, Tyler Volk, Richard Watson
INVITED SPEAKERS: Quentin Atkinson, Alberto Bisin & Thierry Verdier, Andreas Bohn, Michael Bradie, Jorge Carneiro, Claudine Chaouiya, Mark Collard, Alex de Voogt, Frank Kressing & Matthis Krischel, André Levy, Margarida Matos, Telmo Pievani, Luis Mateus Rocha, Élio Sucena, More tba
We call for bio-informaticians, evolutionary biologists, microbiologists, paleontologists, geologists, physicists, mathematicians, anthropologists, archeologists, linguists, sociologists, economists, and philosophers and historians of science to provide talks on the following topics:
1. Conceptualization, quantification and modeling of horizontal and vertical transmission in biological and sociocultural sciences
2. Conceptualization, quantification and modeling of micro- and macroevolution in biological and sociocultural sciences
3. Hierarchy theory and the units, levels and mechanisms of evolution
4. How the universal application of evolutionary theories enables new possibilities for inter- and transdisciplinary research and the unification of the sciences
We encourage submissions of (1) concrete models and simulations, (2) theoretical, reflexive talks, and (3) historical accounts on any of the above mentioned topics.
We call for mini-symposia (3 or 6 talks), poster sessions (3 or 6 posters),
as well as individual regular and poster talks.
Professors: 300 euro | PhD and post-docs: 250 euro | Audience: 100 euro | Students: 50 euro
The Conference is organized by the Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab of the Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, in collaboration with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and with the support of the John Templeton Foundation.