Continuano i sondaggi sulla accettazione della teoria dell’evoluzione

Oggi tocca alla Gran Bretagna. Britons unconvinced on evolution Just under half of Britons accept the theory of evolution as the best description for the development of life, according to an opinion poll. Over 2,000 participants took part in the survey, and were asked what best described their view of the origin and development of life: 22% chose creationism 17% […]

Oggi tocca alla Gran Bretagna. Britons unconvinced on evolution Just under half of Britons accept the theory of evolution as the best description for the development of life, according to an opinion poll. Over 2,000 participants took part in the survey, and were asked what best described their view of the origin and development of life: 22% chose creationism 17% opted for intelligent design 48% selected evolution theory and the rest did not know. Quasi il 40% dei partecipanti al sondaggio credono nell’intervento divino. Questo è il responso che viene dal mondo anglosassone (GB) secondo la BBC. Consoliamoci… Italia sarebbero il 58% secondo il sondaggio della Demos & P-Demetra effettuato per conto dell’ Osservatorio sul Nord Est svolto tra la popolazione del Veneto e Friuli Venezia Giulia.