Corso di Dottorato in Bioscienze dell’Università di Padova 2018/2019

PhDinBiosciencesPadova2018 1 1

Scade il 26 giugno il termine per l’iscrizione al Corso di Dottorato in Bioscienze dell’Università di Padova

The goal of the BIOSCIENCES PhD program is to promote the development of independent and highly motivated students in the field of life sciences. We offer an excellent scientific training paralleled by ongoing and challenging dialogue between the students and faculties. The diversification of the scientific objectives aims our PhD program in BIOSCIENCES and this has a high positive impact on the research training of the doctoral students. Students have the opportunity to complete their education in the context of an vibrant world-class research and an international frame in which interdisciplinary training is highly favoured.

The call has been published. Deadline: 13:00 (CEST) on June 26th 2018. 

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