Current challenges of Darwinism, a theory in crisis?
Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is the basis of Biology and the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology (SESBE) has the goal of promoting and spreading Evolutionary Theory in Spain. Three years after its launching, the society has consolidated its main media, the electronic journal eVolución, has promoted several popularizing activities and discussions about evolution, and generated many […]
Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is the basis of Biology and the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology (SESBE) has the goal of promoting and spreading Evolutionary Theory in Spain. Three years after its launching, the society has consolidated its main media, the electronic journal eVolución, has promoted several popularizing activities and discussions about evolution, and generated many documents available for scientists, teachers and those interested in Biology in general (available through the society’s web site, Now that the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of “On The Origin of Species” is about to start, the SESBE has launched the SESBE Collection on Evolutionary Biology, a series of books by experts in the different areas of knowledge influenced by Evolutionary Theory.
Today, the SESBE announces the publication of the first volume in this collection, “Current challenges of Darwinism, a theory in crisis?” by Juan Moreno Kleming (from the Natural History Museum – Museo de Historia Natural-CSIC).
In the last few years, the idea that Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection has lost relevance and validity has spread in several scientific environments, with the implicit or explicit support for alternative, more appropriate paradigms. In this book, Juan Moreno discusses these paradigms and shows how the pieces of evidence provided by Paleobiology, Molecular Biology and Ecology show the relevance of the only known mechanism that explains the adaptation of living beings in our planet, the one proposed by Darwin 150 years ago.
This first volume in the series is available at bookstores. However, the SESBE wants to celebrate this event by offering this book for free to its members. We hope that this initiative will please all and that we can spread the significance of Darwin’s legacy.
The Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology.
Fernando Gonzalez
PS. If you are interested in becoming a member, follow the steps in the society’s web page