Darwin e le donne


La corrispondenza, sia privata che professionale, tra Darwin e diverse donne viene ora analizzata da un nuovo blog

The blog site of the ‘Darwin and Gender’ stream of the Darwin Correspondence Project
The Darwin Correspondence Project is publishing the definitive edition of letters written by and to Charles Darwin. The complete resource, containing approximately 15,000 letters, will be available in print and on-line. Darwin exchanged letters with naturalists around the world, the work and ideas of many correspondents (both men and women), would be otherwise unknown. Through the letters we can learn about the process of his thinking, the context of Victorian culture and contribution made by his family to his work.
The Darwin and Gender Project is a new initiative funded by the Bonita Trust to explore what Darwin’s letters can tell us about the origins of modern understandings of masculinity and femininity.
Among the specific areas that the project will address are:
– Darwin’s female correspondents
– Darwin’s domestic life
– Gender in a scientific context
– Gender and society
– The project will be working with schools and universities to develop educational resources and research opportunities.