Darwin e Lyell geologi
Segnalo questo recente libro del geologo ora storico Martin J.S. Rudwick: Lyell and Darwin, geologists : studies in the earth sciences in the age of reform Aldershot, UK, 2005 Il volume raccoglie gli scritti piu’ importanti dell’autore sulle due fondamentali figure dell’ottocento evoluzionistico: Lyell e Darwin. Sommario Introduction; Notes on the articles; Bibliography. Lyell’s Concept of Uniformity: Uniformity and progression: […]
Segnalo questo recente libro del geologo ora storico Martin J.S. Rudwick: Lyell and Darwin, geologists : studies in the earth sciences in the age of reform Aldershot, UK, 2005 Il volume raccoglie gli scritti piu’ importanti dell’autore sulle due fondamentali figure dell’ottocento evoluzionistico: Lyell e Darwin. Sommario Introduction; Notes on the articles; Bibliography. Lyell’s Concept of Uniformity: Uniformity and progression: reflections on the structure of geological theory in the age of Lyell; Lyell and the Principles of Geology. The Making of the Principles: Poulett Scrope on the volcanos of the Auvergne: Lyellian time and political economy; Lyell on Etna, and the antiquity of the earth; Historical analogies in the early geological work of Charles Lyell; Charles Lyell’s dream of a statistical palaeontology. The Reception of the Principles: Caricature as a Source for the History of Science: De la Beche’s anti-Lyellian sketches of 1831; Charles Lyell, F.R.S. (1797–1875) and his London lectures on geology, 1832–33. Darwin as a Geologist: Charles Darwin in London: the Integration of Public and Private Science; Darwin and Glen Roy: a ‘Great Failure’ in Scientific Method? Consultate il testo completo dell’ introduzione e, se volete anche dell’ indice.