Il numero di aprile 2005 della rivista Natural History è completamente dedicato ai Dinosauri. Procuratevelo! Eccovi una selezione di titoli: Dino Dung: The Scoop on Fossil Feces Dinosaur disputes Wear and tear by Dave Forest Dinosaurs! Scenic byways: from prairie to forest, mountain to seashore ~ and all four points of the compass ~ summer adventures for everyone “Cold-blooded” by […]
Il numero di aprile 2005 della rivista Natural History è completamente dedicato ai Dinosauri. Procuratevelo! Eccovi una selezione di titoli: Dino Dung: The Scoop on Fossil Feces Dinosaur disputes Wear and tear by Dave Forest Dinosaurs! Scenic byways: from prairie to forest, mountain to seashore ~ and all four points of the compass ~ summer adventures for everyone “Cold-blooded” by John A. Ruben Not Jurassic Park? by Stephan Reebs “Warm-blooded” by Mary Higby Schweitzer Dinosaurs: why we care by Peter Brown Bringing up baby: the evidence mounts that some dinosaurs were attentive parents by David J. Varricchio The varieties of Tyrannosaurs: knowledge about the most fearsome dinosaurs and their relatives is finally measuring up to the animals’ fame by Mark A. Norell All in the family: a cladogram shows how dinosaurs are related to each other—and how the birds fit inby Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. The past recaptured, again by Carl Mehling Bird’s—eye view: because modern dinosaurs are flying all around us, examining them closely can offer new insights into the lives of their fossilized ancestors by Matthew T. Carrano A taste for dinos by Stephan Reebs Feathered Dragons: Studies in the Transition from Dinosaurs to Birds