E’ nata la rivista Evolutionary Applications
Tutti gli articoli sono accessibili da quiContentsEditorial Louis Bernatchez Editor in Chief and Michelle Tseng Founding and Managing Editorpag. 1–2Adaptation, extinction and global change Graham Bell and Sinéad Collinspag. 3–16Why is HIV not vector-borne? Troy Day, Nicole Mideo and Samuel Alizonpag. 17–27The great opportunity: Evolutionary applications to medicine and public health Randolph M. Nesse and Stephen C. Stearnspag. 28–48Virulence and […]
Tutti gli articoli sono accessibili da qui
Louis Bernatchez Editor in Chief and Michelle Tseng Founding and Managing Editor
pag. 1–2
Adaptation, extinction and global change
Graham Bell and Sinéad Collins
pag. 3–16
Why is HIV not vector-borne?
Troy Day, Nicole Mideo and Samuel Alizon
pag. 17–27
The great opportunity: Evolutionary applications to medicine and public health
Randolph M. Nesse and Stephen C. Stearns
pag. 28–48
Virulence and resistance in a mosquito–microsporidium interaction
Yannis Michalakis, Stéphanie Bédhomme, David G. Biron, Ana Rivero, Christine Sidobre and Philip Agnew
pag. 49–56
Pathogen evolution across the agro-ecological interface: implications for disease management
Jeremy J. Burdon and Peter H. Thrall
pag. 57–65
Evolutionary concepts in predicting and evaluating the impact of mass chemotherapy schistosomiasis control programmes on parasites and their hosts
Joanne P. Webster, Charlotte M. Gower and Alice J. Norton
pag. 66–83
Conservation genetics as applied evolution: from genetic pattern to evolutionary process
Robert G. Latta
pages 84–94
Adaptation, migration or extirpation: climate change outcomes for tree populations
Sally N. Aitken, Sam Yeaman, Jason A. Holliday, Tongli Wang, and Sierra Curtis-McLane
pag. 95–111
Genetic, ecological, behavioral and geographic differentiation of populations in a thistle weevil: implications for speciation and biocontrol
Isabelle Olivieri, Michael C. Singer, Sara Magalhães, Alexandre Courtiol, Yvain Dubois, David Carbonell, Fabienne Justy, Patrícia Beldade, Camille Parmesan and Yannis Michalakis
pag. 112–128
Consequences of sexual selection for fisheries-induced evolution: an exploratory analysis
Jeffrey A. Hutchings and Sherrylynn Rowe
pag. 129–136
Temporally stable genetic structure and low migration in an Atlantic salmon population complex: implications for conservation and management
Juha-Pekka Vähä ,Jaakko Erkinaro ,Eero Niemelä and Craig R. Primmer
pag. 137–154
Adaptation as a potential response to sea-level rise: a genetic basis for salinity tolerance in populations of a coastal marsh fish
Kevin M. Purcell, Alan T. Hitch, Paul L. Klerks and Paul L. Leberg
pag. 155–160
Introgression and dispersal among spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) subspecies
W. Chris Funk, Eric D. Forsman, Thomas D. Mullins and Susan M. Haig
pag. 161–171
Invasion thresholds and the evolution of nonequilibrium virulence
James J. Bull and Dieter Ebert
pag. 172–182
Fonte dell’immagine: Evolutionary Applications