Earth Portal announced by NCSE

Dal sito web riporto: Earth Portal is a comprehensive, free and dynamic resource for timely, objective, science-based information about the environment built by a global community of environmental experts: educators, physical, life, and social scientists, scholars, and professionals who have joined together to communicate to the world.In contrast to information from anonymous sources with no quality control, the Earth Portal […]

Dal sito web riporto:

Earth Portal is a comprehensive, free and dynamic resource for timely, objective, science-based information about the environment built by a global community of environmental experts: educators, physical, life, and social scientists, scholars, and professionals who have joined together to communicate to the world.
In contrast to information from anonymous sources with no quality control, the Earth Portal is created and governed by individuals and organizations who put their names behind their words and where attribution and expert-review for accuracy are fundamental.
The Earth Portal includes:
Encyclopedia of Earth ( has an initial 2,300 articles from over 700 experts from 46 countries, as well as such content partners as the WorlWildlife Fund and the United Nations Environment Programme. The Encyclopedia is a means for the global scientific community to come together tproduce the first free, comprehensiv expert-driven information resource on the environment. The Encyclopedia includes articles, e-books and reports, interactive maps, and biographies, and will eventually be published in other major languages. Environmental scholars and experts are invited to become contributors to the Encyclopedia,
Earth News  ( allows the public to engage in discussions with experts, ask questions and get answers, and to participate in community debates about issues that matter to them.
Environment in Focus ( provides an exploration of a major issue each week ­ energy, climate change, environmental economics and other topics ­ led by a prominent expert in the subject and involving articles, news, places, discussions, Q&A, interesting facts, and more.

The National Council for Science and the Environment (

Fondatore di Pikaia e appassionato bibliofilo, cacciatore di riferimenti bibliografici (evoluzionistici) ovunque si trovino. A tal proposito ho finalmente terminato la collana editoriale 150 ANNI DI STORIA DELL’EVOLUZIONE IN ITALIA. PERCORSI E ITINERARI BIBLIOGRAFICI, recensita qui su Pikaia man mano che pubblicavo i volumi. Sul mio blog è disponibile la descrizione dell’intera opera. Email: