Evolution on Ecological Time Scales. A special issue of Functional Ecology


Evolution on Ecological Time Scales. A special issue of Functional Ecology. Guest editors: Andrew Hendry, Scott Carroll, and David Reznick. CONTENTS:EditorialEvolution on ecological time-scales. S. P. Carroll, A. P.Hendry, D. N. Reznick, C. W. FoxAdaptive versus non-adaptive phenotypic plasticity and the potential for contemporary adaptation in new environments. C. K. Ghalambor, J. K. McKay, S. P. Carroll, D. N. ReznickMaternal […]

Evolution on Ecological Time Scales. A special issue of Functional Ecology. Guest editors: Andrew Hendry, Scott Carroll, and David Reznick.


Evolution on ecological time-scales. S. P. Carroll, A. P.Hendry, D. N. Reznick, C. W. Fox

Adaptive versus non-adaptive phenotypic plasticity and the potential for contemporary adaptation in new environments. C. K. Ghalambor, J. K. McKay, S. P. Carroll, D. N. Reznick

Maternal effects and evolution at ecological time-scales. K. Rasanen, L. E. B. Kruuk

Contemporary evolution of secondary sexual traits in the wild. E. I. Svensson, T. P. Gosden

The multifarious effects of dispersal and gene flow on contemporary adaptation. D. Garant, S. E. Forde, A. P. Hendry

Eco-evolutionary conservation biology: contemporary evolution and the dynamics of persistence. M. T. Kinnison, N. G. Hairston Jr

The speed of ecological speciation. A. P. Hendry, P. Nosil, L. H. Rieseberg

Eco-evolutionary dynamics of communities and ecosystems. G. F. Fussmann, M. Loreau, P. A. Abrams


Francesco Santini