Genetica e Razza
Leggete il supplemento della rivista Nature Genetics (vol. 36, supplemento 1, Novembre 2004). Alcune riflessioni sul tema Genetica e Razza in relazione alle ricadute di tipo medico. Patrinos A. ‘Race’ and the human genome. Parra EJ, Kittles RA, Shriver MD. Implications of correlations between skin color and genetic ancestry for biomedical research. Royal CD, Dunston GM. Changing the paradigm from […]
Leggete il supplemento della rivista Nature Genetics (vol. 36, supplemento 1, Novembre 2004). Alcune riflessioni sul tema Genetica e Razza in relazione alle ricadute di tipo medico. Patrinos A. ‘Race’ and the human genome. Parra EJ, Kittles RA, Shriver MD. Implications of correlations between skin color and genetic ancestry for biomedical research. Royal CD, Dunston GM. Changing the paradigm from ‘race’ to human genome variation. Mountain JL, Risch N. Assessing genetic contributions to phenotypic differences among ‘racial’ and ‘ethnic’ groups. Rotimi CN. Are medical and nonmedical uses of large-scale genomic markers conflating genetics and ‘race’? Jorde LB, Wooding SP. Genetic variation, classification and ‘race’. Tishkoff SA, Kidd KK. Implications of biogeography of human populations for ‘race’ and medicine. Keita SO, Kittles RA, Royal CD, Bonney GE, Furbert-Harris P, Dunston GM, Rotimi CN. Conceptualizing human variation. Collins FS. What we do and don’t know about ‘race’, ‘ethnicity’, genetics and health at the dawn of the genome era.