
GeoPhyloBuilder for ARCGIS is an extension for ERSI ArcGIS that creates a spatial network, a geophylogeny, from a tree file and associated geographical data. Inferred nodes are positioned at the spatial centroid daughter nodes and tree depths assigned to z-values allowing rapid 3D visualization. Geophylogenies may be created as ArcGIS geodatabase feature datasets, set of shapefiles or in KML format […]

GeoPhyloBuilder for ARCGIS is an extension for ERSI ArcGIS that creates a spatial network, a geophylogeny, from a tree file and associated geographical data. Inferred nodes are positioned at the spatial centroid daughter nodes and tree depths assigned to z-values allowing rapid 3D visualization. Geophylogenies may be created as ArcGIS geodatabase feature datasets, set of shapefiles or in KML format for viewing in Google Earth. An ArcGIS license is required to run the software.
GeoPhyloBuilder can be downloaded from
Examples and help are available from the GeoPhyloBuilder pages of the EvoViz Wiki
Reference: Kidd DM and Lui X (in press). GEOPHYLOBUILDER 1.0: an ArcGIS extension for creating ‘geophylogenies’.
Best wishes
David Kidd dk

Francesco Santini

per i biogeografi segnalo anche Cartographer, che fa parte di Mesquite il nuovo progetto dei fratelli Maddison (quelli di MacClade). Mesquite e’ davvero bello!
Cartographer e’ abbastanza facile da usare , si clicca sui bottoni per la maggior parte delle analisi standard. anche lui plotta dei bellissimi alberidirettamente su Googleheart ed il risultato e graficamente molto bello! non sono sicuro si agia’ aivlabel, perche’ me lo hanno insgenato ad un corso. s non lo e’ lo sara’ presto.

Omar Rota Stabelli