Il Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano e Haeckel
Ecco il carteggio. Paolo CocciaCANADELLI Elena. Tito Vignoli ed Ernst Haeckel dal carteggio di un direttore dimenticato. Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo civico di storia naturale in Milano, 2006 , vol. 147 , no 2 , pp. 239 – 266 Abstract : From 1893 to 1911 the anthropologist and psychologist Tito Vignoli was the director […]
Ecco il carteggio.
Paolo Coccia
CANADELLI Elena. Tito Vignoli ed Ernst Haeckel dal carteggio di un direttore dimenticato. Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo civico di storia naturale in Milano, 2006 , vol. 147 , no 2 , pp. 239 - 266
Abstract : From 1893 to 1911 the anthropologist and psychologist Tito Vignoli was the director of Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano. Although today he is almost forgotten, Vignoli was in correspondence with many scientists and scholars of his time. Amongst them Ernst Haeckel stood out as one of the most popular German evolutionists in the second half of the 19th century. In Italy Haeckel was renowned for his evolutionistic theory, and also for his struggle against the Church, in support of freedom of science and thought. This commented introduction and transcription of the letters between Vignoli and Haeckel allow to investigate Vignoli's unknown attitude and way of thinking in relation to his position as a general director of Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano, in the light of his support of evolutionism and the important position given to science and to natural history museums. Beside reconstructing the correspondence between the two authors on the basis of the material achieved, this article also investigates the appointment of Vignoli as a director, the sometimes difficult relationship with his collaborators and the trends of his management in a lively but difficult phase for the museum: the museum collections being moved from Palazzo Dugnani to the new building in Porta Venezia.
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