Lamarck non aveva torto!
SEDI:Tel Aviv UniversityGilman Building, Hall 496Tel. Van Leer Jerusalem Institute43, Jabotinsky St., JerusalemTel. gratuito.PROGRAMMA:Domenica 7 giugno, Tel Aviv University (9:30-17:45)Greetings and opening lectureChair: Noah Efron (Bar-Ilan University)Eva Jablonka and Snait Gissis (Tel Aviv University)Ehud Gazit, Vice President for Development and Research, Tel Aviv UniversityGabriel Motzkin, Director, The Van Leer Jerusalem InstituteA research programme for Lamarckism at the beginning […]
Tel Aviv University
Gilman Building, Hall 496
Tel. 03-6409198
The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
43, Jabotinsky St., Jerusalem
Tel. 02-5605222
Ingresso gratuito.
Domenica 7 giugno, Tel Aviv University (9:30-17:45)
Greetings and opening lecture
Chair: Noah Efron (Bar-Ilan University)
Eva Jablonka and Snait Gissis (Tel Aviv University)
Ehud Gazit, Vice President for Development and Research, Tel Aviv University
Gabriel Motzkin, Director, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
A research programme for Lamarckism at the beginning of the 21st century
Coffee break
Historical Sessions I-V
Chair: David Wool (Tel Aviv University)
Pietro Corsi (Oxford University): Early views of Lamarck, 1800-1830
Richard Burkhardt (University of Illinois): Lamarck, Frédéric Cuvier, and Darwin on animal behavior and the inheritance of acquired characters
Coffee break
Chair: Ohad Nachtomy (Bar-Ilan University)
Sander Gliboff (Indiana University): The golden age of Lamarckism, 1866–1926
Charlotte Weissman (Tel Aviv University): Germinal selection: a Weismannian solution to Lamarckian problematics
Lunch break
Chair: Iris Fry (Technion, Institute for Technology)
Laurent Loison (University of Nantes): The notions of plasticity and heredity among French Neo-Lamarckists (1879-1934), from complementarity to incompatibility
Snait Gissis (Tel Aviv University): Lamarckism and the constitution of Sociology
Nils Roll-Hansen (University of Oslo): Neo-Lamarckism as a factor in the Lysenko affair
Lunedì 8 giugno, Tel Aviv University (10:00-19:00)
Chair: Oren Harman (Bar-Ilan University)
Elena Aronova (University of California, San Diego): Is really the only good bug a dead bug? Entomology, acclimatization, and experimental Lamarckism in Russia
Arkady Markel (Novosibirsk State University): Behavior, stress and evolution: (in light of selection experiments carried
out in Novosibirsk) – A. L. Markel and L. N. Trut
Coffee break
Chair: Alfred Tauber (Boston University)
Adam Wilkins (Cambridge University)/ Scott Gilbert (Swathmore College): The modern synthesis in the USA and the exclusion of soft inheritance
Marion J. Lamb (Independent Scholar, UK): Attitudes to soft inheritance in Britain, 1930s-1970s
Lunch break
The Batsheva Workshop on the current status of soft inheritance in biology (sessions VI-XI)
Chair: Joseph Neumann (Tel Aviv University)
Sonia Sultan (Wesleyan University): Evolutionary implications of individual plasticity
Scott Gilbert (Swathmore College): Developmental symbiosis: co-development, variation, and natural selection
Coffee break
Chair: Nurit Kirsh (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Jan Sapp (York University, Canada): Thinking laterally on the tree of life
Eva Jablonka (Tel Aviv University): Epigenetic inheritance since the 1990’s: the challenge of soft inheritance
Anna Zeligowski, artist, guided tour of the art exhibition “Webs of Life”
Martedì 9 giugno, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (9:30-17:15)
Chair: Nadav Davidovitch (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Minoo Rassoulzadegan (University of Nice): RNA-mediated ‘flexible heredity’ of epigenetic variation: from a whitetipped
tail to familial diseases
Peter Gluckman (University of Auckland): Maternal and transgenerational epigenetic effects in human health
Coffee break
Chair: Raphael Falk (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Konstantin Anokhin, Inna Shamakina (Institute of Normal Physiology, Moscow): Lamarck’s perspective on evolution of adaptive behavior: agenda for future research
Eran Shifferman (Tel Aviv University): The roads all taken: a system approach to the study of the evolution of quantity estimation in the animal kingdom
Coffee break
Chair: Joseph Heller (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Moshe Feldman (Weizmann Institute): Instantaneous genetic and epigenetic alterations in the wheat genome caused by polyploidization
Marcello Buiatti (University of Firenze): Plants: individuals or epigenetic cell populations?
Lunch break
Chair: Luisa Hirschbein (Institut Curie UMR 168 CNRS)
Nathalie Balaban (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Bacterial variability at the single cell level
Erez Braun (Technion, Institute for Technology): Environmentally induced and stably inherited cellular adaptation to unforeseen challenge.
Mercoledì 10 giugno, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (9:30-18:30)
Theoretical – Philosophical Sessions XII-XIII
Chair: Yemima Ben-Menahem (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Ohad Parnes (ZfL, Berlin and CEU, Budapest): Between the innate and the acquired: the long and complicated liaison between immunology and Lamarckism
Ayelet Shavit (Tel-Hai College): Mind the gaps: why niche construction processes are so rarely examined?
James Griesemer (University of California, Davis): Heuristic reductionism and the relative significance of epigenetic
inheritance in evolution
Coffee break
Chair: Leo Corry (Tel Aviv University)
Evelyn Fox Keller (MIT): Self-organization, self-assembly, and the inherent activity of matter
Ehud Lamm (Tel Aviv University): The meta-stable genome – a Lamarckian organ in a Darwinian world
Paul Griffiths (University of Sydney): Can nature become plastic?
Lunch break
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES: Round Table and General Discussion
Chair: Everett Mendelsohn (Harvard University)
Summing up:
Raphael Falk (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Evolution as progressing complexity
Dov Por (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Lamarck’s ‘Force de la Nature’ demystified; a third view of evolution
Luisa Hirschbein (Institut Curie UMR 168 CNRS): Prokaryotic epigenetic inheritance
Simona Ginsburg (Open University, Israel): Lamarck on the nervous system: past insights and future perspectives
Adam Wilkins (Cambridge University): The ‘inheritance of acquired traits’ in the light of 21st century genetic/molecular knowledge: a geneticist’s view
General Discussion
The workshop is accompanied by an Art Exhibition Webs of Life by the artist Anna Zeligowski, who explores the expressions of evolution and development in everyday life and in science.
The Sourasky Library Hall, Tel Aviv University
June 4-24, 2009: Sunday-Thursday, 9:00-19:00, Friday 9:00-12:00
In allegato il programma PDF con tutti gli orari.