Major steps in cell evolution

La rivista Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (Vol. 361, n. 1470, June 2006) pubblica un intero fascicolo dal titolo Major steps in cell evolution a cura di Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Martin Embley e Martin Brasier.Dal sito web riporto:When did life evolve? What were the first cells like? Can we trace connections between major innovations in microbial cell structure or biochemistry and […]

La rivista Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (Vol. 361, n. 1470, June 2006) pubblica un intero fascicolo dal titolo Major steps in cell evolution a cura di Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Martin Embley e Martin Brasier.
Dal sito web riporto:
When did life evolve? What were the first cells like? Can we trace connections between major innovations in microbial cell structure or biochemistry and dramatic changes in atmospheric composition and global climate, eg global warming and near-global freezing episodes? Leading earth scientists and biologists discuss multidisciplinary evidence for the interplay of cell evolution and earth history.
L’introduzione How and when did microbes change the world? a cura di Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Martin Brasier, T. Martin Embley è liberamente disponibile a testo intero.

Paolo Coccia