Nature and its Classification

As part of a three year AHRC funded Metaphysics of Science project investigating the closely-related topics of causation, laws,  dispositions and natural kinds, the universities of Birmingham,  Bristol and Nottingham invite paper submissions for the  international conference “Nature and its Classification”. The broad  topic of the conference is natural kinds  as they appear across the  literature in metaphysics, philosophy of […]

As part of a three year AHRC funded Metaphysics of Science project investigating the closely-related topics of causation, laws,  dispositions and natural kinds, the universities of Birmingham,  Bristol and Nottingham invite paper submissions for the  international conference “Nature and its Classification”. The broad  topic of the conference is natural kinds  as they appear across the  literature in metaphysics, philosophy of science,  philosophy of  language and philosophy of mind.

We are also pleased to announce the following featured keynote  speakers:
 Alexander Bird
 Richard Boyd
 John Dupré
 Paul Griffiths
 Joseph LaPorte
 Ruth Millikan
 Jonathan Schaffer

 Further information on the Metaphysics of Science project can be   found at:
 Dr. Francis  Longworth
 Nigel Leary
 Department of Philosophy
 University of  Birmingham