Nuovo fascicolo della rivista BIOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY
Ecco il sommario:1 Size doesn’t matter: towards a more inclusive philosophy of biology O’Malley, Maureen, Duprè, John 2 Occam’s Razor in science: a case study from biogeography Baker, A. 3 Intelligent design and the NFL theorems Hoggstrom, Olle 4 What is natural selection? Brunnander, Bjorn 5 The dimensions, modes and definitions of species and speciation Wilkins, John 6 Evolution, altruism […]
Ecco il sommario:
1 Size doesn’t matter: towards a more inclusive philosophy of biology
O’Malley, Maureen, Duprè, John
2 Occam’s Razor in science: a case study from biogeography
Baker, A.
3 Intelligent design and the NFL theorems
Hoggstrom, Olle
4 What is natural selection?
Brunnander, Bjorn
5 The dimensions, modes and definitions of species and speciation
Wilkins, John
6 Evolution, altruism and cognitive architecture: a critique of Sober and Wilson’s argument for psychological altruism
Stich, Stephen
7 Is the Pope a Catholic?
Ghiselin, Michael
8 Reports of the death of the gene are greatly exaggerated
Knight, Rob
9 Is ”evolutionary psychology” even possible? A review of Adapting Minds , by David Buller
Ferguson, Sally
Buona lettura,
Paolo Coccia

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