Recensioni di Francesco Santini

The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology, Günther P. Wagner (editor) (con prefazione di Richard Lewontin). 2001. Academic Press, San Diego: 622 Pagine……sulle Catastrofi di massa:“Catastrophes and Lesser Calamities. The Causes of Mass Extinctions”, di Tony Hallam. 2004. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 226 Pagine….e….“Gorgon: The Monsters That Ruled the Planet Before Dinosaurs and How They Died in the Greatest Catastrophe in […]

The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology, Günther P. Wagner (editor) (con prefazione di Richard Lewontin). 2001. Academic Press, San Diego: 622 Pagine.

.....sulle Catastrofi di massa:
Catastrophes and Lesser Calamities. The Causes of Mass Extinctions”, di Tony Hallam. 2004. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 226 Pagine.
Gorgon: The Monsters That Ruled the Planet Before Dinosaurs and How They Died in the Greatest Catastrophe in Earth’s History”, di Peter D. Ward. 2004. Penguin Books, New York: 257 Pagine.

Paolo Coccia