Riflessioni a più voci sul concetto di evoluzione culturale
La rivista Behavioral and Brain Sciences dedica un numero all’evoluzione culturale
Il fascicolo è strutturato con un articolo cui seguono i commenti, e così via.
Il primo articolo del fascicolo è il seguente:
Towards a unified science of cultural evolution. Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten and Kevin N. Laland
... e i commenti:
Culture evolves only if there is cultural inheritance. Robert Aunger
Vertical/compatible integration versus analogizing with biology. Jerome H. Barkow
Why we need memetics. Susan Blackmore
Analogies are powerful and dangerous things. Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Richard McElreath and Kari Britt Schroeder
Evolutionary theory and the riddle of the universe. Denny Borsboom
It is not evolutionary models, but models in general that social science needs. Bruce Bridgeman
Intelligent design in cultural evolution. Lee Cronk
A continuum of mindfulness. Daniel Dennett and Ryan McKay
Evolution is important but it is not simple: Defining cultural traits and incorporating complex evolutionary theory. Agustín Fuentes
The role of psychology in the study of culture. Daniel Kelly, Edouard Machery, Ron Mallon, Kelby Mason and Stephen P. Stich
Evolutionary social science beyond culture. Harold Kincaid
Cultural evolution is more than neurological evolution. Thorbjørn Knudsen and Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Cultural traits and cultural integration. R. Lee Lyman
A long way to understanding cultural evolution. Werner Mende and Kathleen Wermke
Archaeology and cultural macroevolution. Michael J. O'Brien
Darwinian cultural evolution rivals genetic evolution. Mark Pagel
Cultural evolution is not equivalent to Darwinian evolution. Dwight W. Read
Evo-devo, modularity, and evolvability: Insights for cultural evolution. Simon M. Reader
A unified science of cultural evolution should incorporate choice. Barry Sopher
The uses of ethnography in the science of cultural evolution. Jamshid Tehrani
Generative entrenchment and an evolutionary developmental biology for culture William C. Wimsatt
...e una risposta:
A science of culture: Clarifications and extensions. Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten and Kevin N. Laland
Il secondo articolo di introduzione:
Resolving the paradox of common, harmful, heritable mental disorders: Which evolutionary genetic models work best? Matthew C. Keller and Geoffrey Miller
...e i commenti:
Praise for a critical perspective. David C. Airey and Richard C. Shelton
Genes for susceptibility to mental disorder are not mental disorder: Clarifying the target of evolutionary analysis and the role of the environment. Nicholas B. Allen and Paul B. T. Badcock
The social environment compresses the diversity of genetic aberrations into the uniformity of schizophrenia manifestations. Ralf-Peter Behrendt
Evolutionary psychiatry is dead – Long liveth evolutionary psychopathology. Martin Brüne
The evolutionary genetics of personality: Does mutation load signal relationship load? David M. Buss
Finland's Galapagos: Founder effect, drift, and isolation in the inheritance of susceptibility alleles. Tom Campbell, Daria Osipova and Seppo Kähkönen
The natural selection of psychosis. Bernard Crespi
Why the adaptationist perspective must be considered: The example of morbid jealousy. Judith A. Easton, Lucas D. Schipper and Todd K. Shackelford
Mutations, developmental instability, and the Red Queen. Steven W. Gangestad and Ronald A. Yeo
Autism: Common, heritable, but not harmful. Morton Ann Gernsbacher, Michelle Dawson and Laurent Mottron
Heritable mental disorders: You can't choose your relatives, but it is they who may really count. Ester I. Klimkeit and John L. Bradshaw
Are common, harmful, heritable mental disorders common relative to other such non-mental disorders, and does their frequency require a special explanation? Oliver Mayo and Carolyn Leach
The romance of balancing selection versus the sober alternatives: Let the data rule. John J. McGrath
Reconciling the mutation-selection balance model with the schizotypy-creativity connection. Daniel Nettle
Mental disorders are not a homogeneous construct. Joseph Polimeni
Mental disorders, evolution, and inclusive fitness. Antonio Preti and Paola Miotto
Behavioural ecology as a basic science for evolutionary psychiatry. John S. Price
Bipolar disorder evolved as an adaptation to severe climate. Julia A. Sherman
Adaptationism and medicalization: The Scylla and Charybdis of Darwinian psychiatry. Alfonso Troisi
Population genetical musings on suicidal behavior as a common, harmful, heritable mental disorder. Martin Voracek
High mental disorder rates are based on invalid measures: Questions about the claimed ubiquity of mutation-induced dysfunction. Jerome C. Wakefield
Multiple timescales of evolution. Jonathan Williams
The evolution of evolutionary epidemiology: A defense of pluralistic epigenetic modes of transmission. Daniel R. Wilson
..e una risposta:
An evolutionary framework for mental disorders: Integrating adaptationist and evolutionary genetic models. Matthew C. Keller and Geoffrey Miller Paolo Coccia
Il primo articolo del fascicolo è il seguente:
Towards a unified science of cultural evolution. Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten and Kevin N. Laland
... e i commenti:
Culture evolves only if there is cultural inheritance. Robert Aunger
Vertical/compatible integration versus analogizing with biology. Jerome H. Barkow
Why we need memetics. Susan Blackmore
Analogies are powerful and dangerous things. Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Richard McElreath and Kari Britt Schroeder
Evolutionary theory and the riddle of the universe. Denny Borsboom
It is not evolutionary models, but models in general that social science needs. Bruce Bridgeman
Intelligent design in cultural evolution. Lee Cronk
A continuum of mindfulness. Daniel Dennett and Ryan McKay
Evolution is important but it is not simple: Defining cultural traits and incorporating complex evolutionary theory. Agustín Fuentes
The role of psychology in the study of culture. Daniel Kelly, Edouard Machery, Ron Mallon, Kelby Mason and Stephen P. Stich
Evolutionary social science beyond culture. Harold Kincaid
Cultural evolution is more than neurological evolution. Thorbjørn Knudsen and Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Cultural traits and cultural integration. R. Lee Lyman
A long way to understanding cultural evolution. Werner Mende and Kathleen Wermke
Archaeology and cultural macroevolution. Michael J. O'Brien
Darwinian cultural evolution rivals genetic evolution. Mark Pagel
Cultural evolution is not equivalent to Darwinian evolution. Dwight W. Read
Evo-devo, modularity, and evolvability: Insights for cultural evolution. Simon M. Reader
A unified science of cultural evolution should incorporate choice. Barry Sopher
The uses of ethnography in the science of cultural evolution. Jamshid Tehrani
Generative entrenchment and an evolutionary developmental biology for culture William C. Wimsatt
...e una risposta:
A science of culture: Clarifications and extensions. Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten and Kevin N. Laland
Il secondo articolo di introduzione:
Resolving the paradox of common, harmful, heritable mental disorders: Which evolutionary genetic models work best? Matthew C. Keller and Geoffrey Miller
...e i commenti:
Praise for a critical perspective. David C. Airey and Richard C. Shelton
Genes for susceptibility to mental disorder are not mental disorder: Clarifying the target of evolutionary analysis and the role of the environment. Nicholas B. Allen and Paul B. T. Badcock
The social environment compresses the diversity of genetic aberrations into the uniformity of schizophrenia manifestations. Ralf-Peter Behrendt
Evolutionary psychiatry is dead – Long liveth evolutionary psychopathology. Martin Brüne
The evolutionary genetics of personality: Does mutation load signal relationship load? David M. Buss
Finland's Galapagos: Founder effect, drift, and isolation in the inheritance of susceptibility alleles. Tom Campbell, Daria Osipova and Seppo Kähkönen
The natural selection of psychosis. Bernard Crespi
Why the adaptationist perspective must be considered: The example of morbid jealousy. Judith A. Easton, Lucas D. Schipper and Todd K. Shackelford
Mutations, developmental instability, and the Red Queen. Steven W. Gangestad and Ronald A. Yeo
Autism: Common, heritable, but not harmful. Morton Ann Gernsbacher, Michelle Dawson and Laurent Mottron
Heritable mental disorders: You can't choose your relatives, but it is they who may really count. Ester I. Klimkeit and John L. Bradshaw
Are common, harmful, heritable mental disorders common relative to other such non-mental disorders, and does their frequency require a special explanation? Oliver Mayo and Carolyn Leach
The romance of balancing selection versus the sober alternatives: Let the data rule. John J. McGrath
Reconciling the mutation-selection balance model with the schizotypy-creativity connection. Daniel Nettle
Mental disorders are not a homogeneous construct. Joseph Polimeni
Mental disorders, evolution, and inclusive fitness. Antonio Preti and Paola Miotto
Behavioural ecology as a basic science for evolutionary psychiatry. John S. Price
Bipolar disorder evolved as an adaptation to severe climate. Julia A. Sherman
Adaptationism and medicalization: The Scylla and Charybdis of Darwinian psychiatry. Alfonso Troisi
Population genetical musings on suicidal behavior as a common, harmful, heritable mental disorder. Martin Voracek
High mental disorder rates are based on invalid measures: Questions about the claimed ubiquity of mutation-induced dysfunction. Jerome C. Wakefield
Multiple timescales of evolution. Jonathan Williams
The evolution of evolutionary epidemiology: A defense of pluralistic epigenetic modes of transmission. Daniel R. Wilson
..e una risposta:
An evolutionary framework for mental disorders: Integrating adaptationist and evolutionary genetic models. Matthew C. Keller and Geoffrey Miller Paolo Coccia

Fondatore di Pikaia e appassionato bibliofilo, cacciatore di riferimenti bibliografici (evoluzionistici) ovunque si trovino. A tal proposito ho finalmente terminato la collana editoriale 150 ANNI DI STORIA DELL’EVOLUZIONE IN ITALIA. PERCORSI E ITINERARI BIBLIOGRAFICI, recensita qui su Pikaia man mano che pubblicavo i volumi. Sul mio blog https://darwininitalia.blogspot.com è disponibile la descrizione dell’intera opera. Email: pacoccia@gmail.com