Si terrà a Venezia, il prossimo Settembre, presso la Fondazione Cini, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, la SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE. Il tema conduttore sarà l’ evoluzione in tutti i suoi aspetti, cosmologica, biologica e umana. Riporto le finalità della conferenza così come sono state espresse sul sito della Fondazione da Umberto Veronesi: The Second World […]
Si terrà a Venezia, il prossimo Settembre, presso la Fondazione Cini, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, la SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE. Il tema conduttore sarà l’ evoluzione in tutti i suoi aspetti, cosmologica, biologica e umana. Riporto le finalità della conferenza così come sono state espresse sul sito della Fondazione da Umberto Veronesi: The Second World Conference on the Future of Science will focus on Evolution. In the pursuit of the objectives set by the First Venice Conference, we have chosen to explore a theme that is crucial for science itself and for society as a whole. Evolution is at the forefront of discussion in several spheres, ranging from astrophysics and genetics to theology and philosophy. Reflection about evolution is in fact reflection about ourselves, our future, and our place in the universe. The Conference will last three days and will gather together in Venice personalities of international renown from various disciplines: physicists, astrophysicists, biologists, anthropologists, geneticists, philosophers, psychologists, and theologians. However the Conference is addressed not only to researchers and experts in these fields, but also to politicians, economists, managers, journalists and all men and women of culture, who wish to explore the impact of scientific knowledge on our lives and take part in delineating a new role for science in tomorrow’s society. The Conference programme will explore three main areas: The Universe from the Big Bang to the Present Day Theories on the birth and expansion of the universe will be discussed and hypotheses on the future evolution of the solar system and the galaxies will be analysed and compared. Biological Evolution The origin of life and its development and differentiation in time and space will also be examined, with particular focus on the appearance of humans on Earth and the stages of human evolution. Evolution of Ethical Thinking This will begin with an analysis of brain activity in animals, of the origin of “magical” thought in humans, to proceed to the birth and development of religious sensitivity. Based on a study of the concepts of good and evil in various cultures, different value systems will be discussed. Intanto potete ascoltare in italiano la conferenza di Dennett che si è tenuta lo scorso 23 settembre dal titolo: Evolution, Freedom and Society. Il file necessita del tool Real Player e il collegamento ADSL. Potete inoltre ascoltare tutte le altre conferenze collegandovi direttamente al sito web