The complete work of Charles Darwin online
Fino a ieri era visibile tramite la prestigiosa British Library. Ora vivra’ di vita propria!!!!! Debuttera’ a ottobre!!!!!!!!!!! Non ci sono parole per esprimere gratitudine ai curatori di tale enorme archivio che sara’ a disposizione di tutti!!!!!!! Grazie!!!!!!!! A major new project at the University of Cambridge will create a comprehensive scholarly collection of Charles Darwin’s published and unpublished writings, […]
Fino a ieri era visibile tramite la prestigiosa British Library.
Ora vivra' di vita propria!!!!! Debuttera' a ottobre!!!!!!!!!!!
Non ci sono parole per esprimere gratitudine ai curatori di tale enorme archivio che sara' a disposizione di tutti!!!!!!! Grazie!!!!!!!!
A major new project at the University of Cambridge will create a comprehensive scholarly collection of Charles Darwin's published and unpublished writings, except for correspondence, on the world wide web.The project, designed and directed by Dr John van Wyhe (University of Cambridge), is based at The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge. A major three year grant by the AHRC has been awarded to Professor James Secord (Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge) and Professor Janet Browne (Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, University College London) to make the project possibleThe project aims to make available online every book, article and significant unpublished manuscript by Darwin, including associated contemporary book reviews and related sources. The letters are being published separately by the Darwin Correspondence Project. New editorial introductions and notes will accompany all the texts. Each page will be available as digital text and photo image form. All of the digitised texts will retain page or folio numbers and full formatting such as italics. An innovative feature will be a complete bibliography ancatalogue of manuscripts. The site will be of invaluable use to students and scholars in the fields of history, history of science, literature, philosophy, the natural sciences and lay readers throughout the world. It will have a powerful custom-made search engine providing integrated retrieval and display of material across the full range of Darwin's published works and manuscripts-in short almost everything Darwin ever wrote. For further information see:
Paolo Coccia

Fondatore di Pikaia e appassionato bibliofilo, cacciatore di riferimenti bibliografici (evoluzionistici) ovunque si trovino. A tal proposito ho finalmente terminato la collana editoriale 150 ANNI DI STORIA DELL’EVOLUZIONE IN ITALIA. PERCORSI E ITINERARI BIBLIOGRAFICI, recensita qui su Pikaia man mano che pubblicavo i volumi. Sul mio blog è disponibile la descrizione dell’intera opera. Email: