The importance of homology for biology and philosophy
Ecco il sommario del fascicolo, curato da Paul Griffiths e Ingo Brigandt:-The importance of homology for biology and philosophy by Brigandt and Griffiths-The phenomena of homology by Griffiths-Psychological categories as homologies: lessons from ethology by Marc Eresehfsky-Defining vision: what homology thinking contributes by Mohan Matthen-Functional homology and homology of function: biological concepts and philosophical consequences by Alan Love-Typology now: homology […]
Ecco il sommario del fascicolo, curato da Paul Griffiths e Ingo Brigandt:
-The importance of homology for biology and philosophy by Brigandt and Griffiths
-The phenomena of homology by Griffiths
-Psychological categories as homologies: lessons from ethology by Marc Eresehfsky
-Defining vision: what homology thinking contributes by Mohan Matthen
-Functional homology and homology of function: biological concepts and philosophical consequences by Alan Love
-Typology now: homology and developmental constraints explain evolvability again by Brigandt.
Paolo Coccia

Fondatore di Pikaia e appassionato bibliofilo, cacciatore di riferimenti bibliografici (evoluzionistici) ovunque si trovino. A tal proposito ho finalmente terminato la collana editoriale 150 ANNI DI STORIA DELL’EVOLUZIONE IN ITALIA. PERCORSI E ITINERARI BIBLIOGRAFICI, recensita qui su Pikaia man mano che pubblicavo i volumi. Sul mio blog è disponibile la descrizione dell’intera opera. Email: