The use of phylogeny in the study of macroevolution

Sono aperte le iscrizioni per un interessante workshop sull’utilizzo di metodi filogenetici nello studio dei processi macroevolutivi: dal 28 settembre al 2 ottobre a Barcellona
Evolution leaves its footprint in the fossil record but also in and living taxa. This signal on the processes of origination of new organisms from ancestral lineages and their extinction can be recovered and depicted in phylogenetic trees. New phylogenetic methods would allow us to draw on the information encapsulated in phylogenetic trees in order to address a wide range of macroevolutionary questions.
First, this course will introduce participants to the use, modification and representation of phylogenetic trees. Then, we will focus on the use of phylogenetic information to reconstruct ancestral characters and biogeographic histories, learning how to apply phylogenetic comparative methods. This course will also tackle trait evolution modelling and the assessment of phylogenetic signal. Finally, we will learn about the shape of phylogenetic trees and its evolutionary causes and how to estimate the rates of diversification throughout the evolutionary history of groups. Participants are encouraged to bring their data sets to use in the practical class.
Graduate or postgraduate degree in Biology (including palaeontologists no matter the degree).
Basic knowledge of R is required. If you are not familiar with R we recommend you to sign up for the previous course R without Fear: Applied R for Biologists. Software’s other than R will be explained during the course.
Date and Site
Monday 28th September to Friday 2nd October 2015.
Premises of the Centre de Restauració i Interpretació Paleontològic (CRIP), Av. dels Hostalets de Pierola, s/ nº, 08781 Els Hostalets de Pierola, Barcelona (Spain). How to arrive.
Programma, costi e tutte le informazioni