Una nuova rivista che affronta i temi evoluzionistici (anche)

Riporto il sommario con una selezione degli articoli che ritengo più interessanti. Il fascicolo completo lo trovate presso l’editore MIT Press.EvoDevo as Cognitive Psychology, Ronald A. Amundson. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 10-11The Developmental-Genetic Toolkit and the Molecular Homology–Analogy Paradox, Stuart A. Newman. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 12-16The Essence of Scientific Theories, David L. Hull. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 17-19Why Modeling […]

Riporto il sommario con una selezione degli articoli che ritengo più interessanti. Il fascicolo completo lo trovate presso l’editore MIT Press.
EvoDevo as Cognitive Psychology, Ronald A. Amundson. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 10-11
The Developmental-Genetic Toolkit and the Molecular Homology–Analogy Paradox, Stuart A. Newman. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 12-16
The Essence of Scientific Theories, David L. Hull. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 17-19
Why Modeling Cultural Evolution Is Still Such a Challenge, Dan Sperber, Nicolas Claidière. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 20-22
Naturalizing Epistemology: Prospectus 2006, William F. Harms. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 23-24
Beyond the Flat Earth Perspective in Systems Biology, Mihajlo Mesarovic, Sree N. Sreenath. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 33-34
Forty Years a Philosopher of Biology: Why EvoDevo Makes Me Still Excited About My Subject, Michael Ruse
Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 35-37
Theory and Data in the Evolutionary Approach to Human Behavior, Stephen C. Stearns. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 38-40
Ontogeny, Genetics, and Evolution: A Perspective from Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Annette Karmiloff-Smith. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 44-51
Modest Evolutionary Naturalism, Ronald N. Giere. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 52-60
Self-Extending Symbiosis: A Mechanism for Increasing Robustness Through Evolution, Hiroaki Kitano, Kanae Oda. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 61-66
Profile: Birds as Aeroplanes: Remembering John Maynard Smith, Eörs Szathmáry. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 84-86
Historical Essay: Reflections on the Middle Stages of EvoDevo's Ontogeny, Alan C. Love. Biological Theory 2006 1:1, 94-97

Paolo Coccia