1st Course on Amphibian Conservation and Husbandry


Sono aperte le iscrizioni a un interessante corso sulla conservazione degli anfibi

1st Course on Amphibian Conservation and Husbandry

18 to 22 of May, 2015

dBio-UA, University of Aveiro, PORTUGAL



The 1st Course on Amphibian Conservation and Husbandry is an interesting and intensive course to researchers or technical staff working with amphibians and looking for more complete basis on Amphibian Conservation and Husbandry.


The course explores the principles of amphibians’ husbandry, nutrition and dietary needs, captive reproduction, population management, veterinary aspects (diseases, pathology, and necropsy), biosecurity and quarantine, conservation, threats and global action. Hands on demonstrations, practical and group exercises are also included (enclosure demonstrations: tank drilling, false bottoms and plumbing, filters).


Preliminary Program:


Day 1 – May 18th


 9:00am // Participants reception

 9:30am // Greetings and Introdution

10:30am // Overview of the amphibians global crisis

11:30am // Introducing Aveiro University and AArk activities

13:00pm // Lunch break

14:30pm //Overview of European amphibians (with special focus on Portugal) and their conservations needs

15:15pm //Ex-situ breeding facilities and their contribution to amphibian conservation

16:15pm // Coffee break

16:40pm // Introduction to group projects


Day 2 – May 19th


 9:30am // Principles of amphibians husbandry

11:00am // The perfect lightning for the aquariums

12:30am // Lunch break

14:00am // Water quality control

15:40am // Lightning and water quality – Pratical exercises

17:30pm // Coffee break

17:45am //  Group projects – continuing


Day 3 – May 20th


 9:30am // Nutrition and dietary needs

11:00am // Life food cultures

12:00am // Captive reprodution

13:15am // Lunch break

14:15am // Caring about larval stages

15:30am // Enclosure demonstrations in stations: tank drilling, false bottoms and plumbing, filters

17:15pm // Coffee break

17:30pm // Group projects – continuing


Day 4 – May 21st



 9:30am // Populations management

10:45am // Coffee break 

11:00am // Decelopment of regional taxon manegement plans

12:00am // Anatomy, necropsy and veterinary

13:00pm // Lunch break

14:30pm //Anatomy, necropsy and veterinary (cont.)

15:30pm // Review of exercises

17:00pm // Coffee break

17:20pm // Small group works


Day 5 – May 22nd


 9:30am // Amphibians diseases and veterinary care

11:00am // Coffee break

11:20am // Biosecurity and quarantine practices

12:30pm // Lunch break

14:00pm // Basic parasitology

15:00pm // Group projects (cont.)

16:00pm // Coffee break

16:20pm // Group projects presentations

18:20pm // Summary, next steps, evaluations




Luis Carrillo, University of Mexico City, AArk

Isabel Lopes, University of Aveiro & CESAM (Portugal)



The course will be held in partnership with the organization of the Advanced Course “Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles: from theory to practice”. Registration in both courses have reduced fees (through Ecotox course payment proof).





                     ACH Course only                                            ACH Course (+Ecotox)

                     General: 350 euros                                               General: 230 euros

                     Students: 250 euros                                              Students: 170 euros

                 UA Students: 250 euros                                         UA Students: 250 euros


For details about registration and other informations please

see our website: http://ach2015.wix.com/ach2015

or contact: emanuele.fasola@ua.pt