Primo annuncio del Convegno SIBE 2019 a Padova!

Dall’1 al 4 settembre si terrà a Padova il IX Convegno della Società Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica. Save the date!
8th Congress of the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology
Padua, 1-4 September 2019
Dear all,
we are glad to announce that the 8th Congress of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology (SIBE-ISEB) will be organized by the Department of Biology of the University of Padua and will be held on 1-4 September in Padua. The congress will be hosted in the wonderful locations of the historical Botanical Garden of Padua, the most ancient botanical garden in the world and UNESCO world heritage, and in the “Galileo Galilei” Main Hall of the XVI century Palazzo Bo.
The symposia and the events scheduled for September 4th will be shared and organized in partnership with the Italian Anthropological Association (AAI).
During the congress, we will launch the first edition of the “Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza Award”, established by the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology. Such an initiative recognizes eminent personalities in the research fields of evolutionary biology. The ceremony and the Cavalli Sforza Lecture will take place on the afternoon of September 4th in the “Galileo Galilei” Main Hall.
The congress will be structured in five sequential symposia promoted by SIBE-ISEB (1-3 September) and three symposia shared with AAI on September 4th, with distinguished international invited speakers giving their contributions. The general subject of the symposia shared with AAI will be “Population genetics and genomics”, while the subjects of the SIBE-ISEB symposia will be selected very soon, with the aim of accounting for the existing broad spectrum of interests and approaches to the study of Evolution.
There will also be a poster session, a public round table focused on science communication, and a very rich and surprising programme of social events.
The Society is also pleased to offer a crash course in Molecular Clocks using BEAST, on the morning of September 1st, at the Botanical Garden.
The Call for abstracts and deadline for the early-bird registration will be published soon. We expect, and particularly hope for, the participation of many young researchers and students. English will be the preferred language for both oral communications and posters.
Please save the dates and we look forward to seeing you all in Padua!
The President of the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology and the Organizing Committee