Understanding Cultural Traits
Una prospettiva multidisciplinare sulla diversità culturale: a cura di Fabrizio Panebianco e Emenuele Serrelli, edito da Springer
Understanding Cultural Traits
A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Cultural Diversity
Editors: Panebianco, Fabrizio, Serrelli, Emanuele (Eds.)
– Offers a gateway to a fundamental concept, the basis for understanding culture
– Is an exercise in thinking across boundaries
– Shows great potential for public policy and intercultural research.
This volume constitutes a first step towards an ever-deferred interdisciplinary dialogue on cultural traits. It offers a way to enter a representative sample of the intellectual diversity that surrounds this topic, and a means to stimulate innovative avenues of research. It stimulates critical thinking and awareness in the disciplines that need to conceptualize and study culture, cultural traits, and cultural diversity. Culture is often defined and studied with an emphasis on cultural features. For UNESCO, “culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group”. But the very possibility of assuming the existence of cultural traits is not granted, and any serious evaluation of the notion of “cultural trait” requires the interrogation of several disciplines from cultural anthropology to linguistics, from psychology to sociology to musicology, and all areas of knowledge on culture. This book presents a strong multidisciplinary perspective that can help clarify the problems about cultural traits.
Ecologo e docente di Etologia e Comportamento Animale presso il Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali dell’Università di Milano. Ha scritto di animali ed evoluzione su Le Scienze, Mente e Cervello, Oggiscienza e Focus D&R . Collabora con Pikaia, di cui è stato caporedattore dal lontano 2007 al 2020.