VI Congresso della SIBE


Il 10 luglio scade il termine per la presentazione dei contributi per il prossimo convegno della Società Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica, previsto a Bologna tra il 31 agosto e il 3 settembre 2015

The University of Bologna, the Department of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences and the MoZoo Lab welcome you at the 6th Congress of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology (website) that will be held in Bologna (Italy) from August 31 to September 3, 2015.

The Conference is organized into 7 thematic symposia covering most of the fields of Evolutionary Biology. The Conference warmly welcomes all professional and non-professional Evolutionary Biologists, as well as teachers and science writers. It is also particularly addressed to young students and scientists and, through an informal and easy going atmosphere, wants to promote exchanges and synergies among scientists and/or amateurs.

Symposia will be at the ‘Aule Complesso Belmeloro’, while posters and lunches will be at the ‘Zoology Museum of the Department of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences’. Both are walking distance and you will find indications in the dedicated page of this website.

The Congress venue is conveniently located in the University Area, which is close to the historic part of the city of Bologna. Again, in the dedicated page you’ll find all the info you need to enjoy the city of Bologna during your stay.

We hope to see you in all Bologna

The Organizing Committee of the 6th Congress of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology

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