Workshop: Comparative methods in evolutionary biology


Sono aperte le iscrizioni per un interessante workshop sull’utilizzo di metodi filogenetici: dal 5 al 7 dicembre a Napoli

Workshop: Comparative methods in evolutionary biology
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, December 5th-7th, 2016

Day 1
– Introduction to the use of phylogeny in comparative methods
– Likelihood and bayesian inference methods
– Theoretical aspects of molecular clock analyses
– Tutorials on relaxed clocks using Beast 1.8
– Introduction to R

Day 2
– Tutorial on total-evidence dating using Beast 2.3
– Introduction to the use of remote servers (Cipres) for phylogenetic analyses
– Tutorial on comparative methods for exploring the evolution of discrete and continuous characters

Day 3
– Theory and approaches to the study of adaptive radiations
– Tutorials on comparative methods for detecting and quantifying heterogeneity in evolutionary rates (BAMM)

Registration fees: 100€ (fees include lunches); special price at 50€ for students enrolled at the Universities of Naples (Federico II and Parthenope) with no lunch included

Participants: this workshop is preferentially addressed to PhD students, postdocs and researchers with basic knowledge of phylogeny (sequence alignments, nucleotide substitution models and basic tree building). Max number 25

Francesco Santini, Associazione Italiana per lo Studio della Biodiversitá (Italy)
Bruno Frédérich, University of Liège (Belgium)

Sergio Stefanni, Salvatore D’Aniello, Giuseppe D’Onofrio, Andrea Tarallo, Maria Vittoria Modica

Registration at:

Workshop. Comparative methods in evolutionary biology